Why can 010-151 dumps help me pass the Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam successfully?
The 010-151 dumps are carefully collected by a number of IT certification experts based on the Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices certification core exam questions, and then compiled the most effective exam questions and answers, and share analysis methods, The most effective material for preparing candidates for the 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam.
You can download the 010-151 dumps from this site:https://www.leads4pass.com/010-151.html,find the latest updated 364 questions and answers for the 010-151 exam, as well as two study modes, PDF and VCE, to help you complete the 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam perfectly and pass it successfully 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam.
Cisco 010-151 Exam Summary:
Vendor: Cisco
Exam Code: 010-151
Exam Name: Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices
Certification: CCT
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English
Price: $125 USD
Number of Questions: 65-75
Passing score: Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)
Official details: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/exams/current-list/dctech.html
[Practice Test] We also share some 010-151 free dumps to help you practice online
Question 1:
Which method does FCIP use to enable connectivity of geographically distributed Fibre Channel SANs over IP?
A. routing
B. tunneling
C. handshaking
D. transporting
Correct Answer: B
Question 2:
Which important feature on the front end is provided to the clients by multiple servers that access the same storage devices across the SAN?
A. recovery
B. redundancy
C. resiliency
D. security
E. storage
Correct Answer: B
Question 3:
The Ethernet specification details several different fiber optic media types. What is the wire transmission speed for 100BASE-FX Ethernet?
A. 10 Mb/s
B. 100 Mb/s
C. 1000 Mb/s
D. 10000 Mb/s
Correct Answer: B
Question 4:
Which fiber optic cable type is used most often with a Subscriber connector?
A. dual-mode
B. single-mode
C. straight-mode
D. multi-mode
E. subscriber-mode
Correct Answer: B
Question 5:
Which cable is used to access the command-line interface of a Cisco UCS 6120XP Fabric Interconnects?
A. KVM cable
B. console cable
C. Ethernet cable
D. SFP+ Ethernet transceiver cable
Correct Answer: B
Question 6:
How do you find the serial number of a Cisco UCS 5108 Blade Server chassis?
A. Use the Cisco UCS Admin.
B. Use the Cisco UCS Application.
C. Use the Cisco UCS Assistant.
D. Use the Cisco UCS Manager.
Correct Answer: D
Question 7:
What does the system status LED look like when an over temperature or major alarm occurs on the Cisco UCS 6120XP Fabric Interconnect?
A. Amber
B. Red
C. Blinking amber
D. Blinking red
Correct Answer: C
Question 8:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which item does F represent?
A. HDD 1
B. TFP Module
C. SuperCap Module
D. CPU 2
E. CMOS Battery
Correct Answer: D
Question 9:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which statement correctly identifies the front panel LEDs on the Cisco UCS C220 Server?
A. A is the power button and power status LED; B is the identification button and LED; C is the system status LED; D is the network link activity LED.
B. A is the network link activity LED; B is the system status LED; C is the power button and power status LED; D is the identification button and LED.
C. A is the system status LED; B is the network link activity LED; C is the power button and power status LED; D is the identification button and LED.
D. A is the network link activity LED; B is the system status LED; C is the identification button and LED; D is the power button and power status LED.
Correct Answer: A
Question 10:
Which processor option is supported in the Cisco UCS C420 M3 Server?
A. up to two Intel Xeon E5-4600 series multicore processors
B. up to two Intel Xeon E7-4800 series multicore processors
C. up to four Intel Xeon E5-4600 series multicore processors
D. two or four Intel Xeon E7-8800 series multicore processors
Correct Answer: C
Question 11:
Which two major components does a Cisco Nexus 1000V Series Switch have? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual Fiber Channel Module
B. Virtual Ethernet Module
C. Virtual Supervisor Module
D. Virtual Memory Controller Module
E. Virtual Network Module
Correct Answer: BC
Question 12:
Which Cisco MDS model supports the most Fibre Channel ports per chassis?
A. MDS 9513
B. MDS 9509
C. MDS 9506
D. MDS 9250i
Correct Answer: A
Question 13:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which Cisco MDS chassis supports the 48-Port 16-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module?
A. MDS 9509
B. MDS 9513
C. MDS 9710
D. MDS 9506
Correct Answer: C
Question 14:
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the name of this rack-mount server?
A. Cisco UCS C220 Rack-Mount Server
B. Cisco UCS C240 Rack-Mount Server
C. Cisco UCS C420 Rack-Mount Server
D. Cisco UCS C460 Rack-Mount Server
Correct Answer: C
Question 15:
Which type of optics module is supported by a 12-port 100 GE Cisco Nexus 7700 F3 Series I/O module?
Correct Answer: A
Why Choose Lead4Pass 010-151 Dumps?
First of all, Lead4Pass 010-151 dumps provide the most accurate exam questions and answers, which is a reputation accumulated over the years
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Finally, the Lead4Pass 010-151 dumps material is really valid exam questions and answers designed around the core of the Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam.
Well, the right choice will help you successfully pass the exam on the first try and save even more, download the 010-151 dumps now:https://www.leads4pass.com/010-151.html,
Make the Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices exam easier.